Many cumulative tales feature a series of animals or forces of nature each more powerful than the last.
It is an unusual variant, in that most tales feature the main character as a servant rather than a brother.
The archetypal immigrant tale features a man striking out across the sea, establishing himself and eventually sending for his family.
The tale features an assortment of passengers on a cruise ship who do not know how they got there or where they are going.
Later tales featuring the two as rival queens occur in later texts.
Nicholas Proman's tale features his love for his baseball glove.
This tale, and The Griffin, also feature the test of truthfully telling what the character is carrying.
The tale features a strong female protagonist, possibly affected by madness; and a brother-sister relationship is central to its plot.
That "cautionary tale of dysfunctional love" featured a narrator who beats his girlfriend nearly to death.
These were tales of heroic, sword-wielding warriors, often featuring mystical or fantasy elements.