She's every bit as clever and as lovely as the tale describes.
Each tale in your series describes the misery in the lives of those who worked hard to deserve something better.
The tale describes him getting money from the crowd as he cared more about money than a holy life.
Many tales about hags do not describe them well enough to distinguish between an old woman who knows magic or a supernatural being.
The tale, perhaps the earliest work of science fiction, describes a journey to the moon, which, like the sun, had sometimes been categorized as a planet.
The tale about the wonder-working icon described events that were professed to Fedor (his marriage and child).
"Sometimes," he wrote, "the stories and tall tales we tell each other more truly describes feelings buried in memory than mere facts can relay."
Several tales describe the disaster these giants caused to Hadza by constantly killing, beating them.
The native's tales describe a large beast that roams the waters.
"That tale describes you, except for the ending," Aiah says.