I take issue with your statement that barriers to upper management are breaking down "particularly in publishing."
Many others on the council are likely to take issue with his statement that Ayatollah Sistani's views should be accepted and enacted.
Republican leaders immediately took issue with Mr. Kerry's statement.
They may then choose to take a photo of themselves with their statement, which may be uploaded to the group's social media page in the user's discretion.
And he said he took issue with Commissioner Ward's statement that they were "not needed."
Leveson takes issue with Mockridge's statement that "Everything might not be perfect."
At least one warehouse club that has complained about being cut off by toy manufacturers took issue with Mr. Goldstein's statement.
The Board of Trustees took issue with Murkland's statement concerning the possible addition of classical languages to the curriculum.
She has, however, taken a stand with her statement that "Renaissance humanism grew out of the revival of the latke."
We take issue with Ms. Tusiani's statement that she thought she was "ahead of the game" because of her writings, interviews and classes.