He started his own band in 2002 but it really took form with music from his first album "Findings" in 2003.
Byrd had also taken serious strides with instrumental music.
A great celebration would take place, usually in the home of the bride, with food, drinks, and music.
Take the comedy with music they have been talking about, are now ready to put on paper, and hope may be ready early next year.
In between they took turns with German and French music from the 19th and 20th centuries.
Richard Cadey takes us back to the 1960s with archive programmes and swinging music.
The dancing fish took a bow with finale music.
A Tiger Fry will take place downtown tonight, with music and fireworks.
When she finally took the court here with music blasting through the Grugahalle, she was trailed by a phalanx of television cameras.
Thus, you may take mathematics with music or politics with personnel management -both attractive combinations!