He stood as a candidate for the 2010 general election after the sudden death of Kumar, taking the seat with a 1,677 majority.
At the 1959 general election, he defeated Champion, taking the seat with a majority of only 12 votes.
In the last general election the United Party had taken this seat with a five thousand majority.
At the 1923 election Ramage took the seat with a majority of over 3,500.
He took the seat with an majority of 5,334, taking 47.3% of the vote.
Everybody expected Quinn to sweep the field, and in fact he took the primary with an absolute majority in a list of seven.
He stood in the 2010 general election taking the seat with a majority of 4,837.
Engel took the seat, easily, with a majority of 10,065.
Three years later a general election was held, and Robertson succeeded in taking the seat with a small majority of 319 votes.
Blair took the seat from Lansbury with a majority of over 700 votes.