Can't let us go home... taking this back to human space.
But if you get captured by aliens and taken to outer space, there's no way we'll be able to rescue you.
Using these inventions to build star-ships, mankind took at once to interstellar space.
A. I take it your reference to shrinking space refers to the coming reduction in the size of the paper.
Chmeee and I haven't been able to make ourselves believe that you'll take us back to known space.
If you took the tire to outer space, it would feel like it had 14 pounds per square inch of pressure in it.
In the Southwest, he said, troubled malls have even taken to leasing space to flea market operators.
Superman takes her out of the Still Zone and returns to normal space and time.
Scientists have taken the eggs of brine shrimp to outer space to test the impact of radiation on life.
There was no reason for it to take to intergalactic space.