According to Haraldsson, the video was taken to a company that investigates corporate fraud.
This can take the form of anything from a sole trader to a limited company.
Once was with Agatha, Gaturro to hang out at the park, but the producer had found him and took him to a company in Cosmogatilan.
If we took it to a company, we'd have to tell where it was found.
As part of field exposure his class was taken on a visit to a company in Nairobi which had acquired the dealership for Apple Computers.
Then he took a cab to a car-hire company.
That customer has since taken its $400,000-a-month business to a company on the East Coast, he said.
After his time in prison he was taken in protective custody to a penal company in Buchenwald concentration camp as prisoner no. 8135.
Should today's investors take a shine to a newly independent company whose sales parties seem as dated as Ozzie and Harriet?
In the report, Mr. Thompson's office took no position on the transfer of the Giuliani administration's papers to a private company.