I have always been very selective, taking the better things only, such as Chanel handbags.
Those going into hospital for a planned stay need to take personal care items (such as a towel, soap etc.) with them.
The analysis took into account known risk factors for heart disease, such as age, gender, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.
For taking such as position, he was praised by the Tunku.
He said it would take fresh news, such as a new cut in interest rates, to move the market up from its current level.
We must not, however, take short-term measures, such as heavy price discounting, in order to retain market share.
A wide variety of activities take place there, such as political, economical, cultural and entertainment matters.
Or to take independent actions, such as attending graduation the day of a big game.
Regular cultural events also take place here, such as open-air theatre productions.
These laws took several forms, such as the grouping of similar, or proximate, objects together, within this global process.