In their place came the first detachment of the Army Air Corps to take over the new strip.
Suddenly he's living with the Oyls, moving in on Olive's affection and taking over the whole strip.
In 1906, he took over the strip Scary William and continued it until 1914.
A new artist and writer took over the strip on January 3, 1972.
When Anderson became ill, Liney took over the daily strip in 1945.
In 1970, he took over the syndicated strip Ferd'nand, which he drew until his retirement in 1989.
Barry is credited for giving the Phantom his modern look, which has not changed since he took over the strip.
However, Opus, Bill and other characters eventually reappeared and slowly took over the strip.
Sam asked if there was a relative that could take over the strip.
The elder Thaves had planned on transitioning his son to take over the strip before his death.