In 1968, after Indira Gandhi had taken over as Prime Minister, it was decided that a full-fledged second security service was needed.
Since he took over as Prime Minister, Mr. Carlsson has concentrated on domestic issues.
Mr. Rao, recalled from political retirement to take over as Prime Minister, put the matter squarely.
Alfred Deakin took over from Barton as Prime Minister and leader of the Protectionists.
Rabin resigned over the former incident, and Peres took over as Prime Minister just a short time before the next elections.
Bodoo then took over as both Prime Minister and Foreign Minister.
The next day, Nagy took over as Prime Minister.
He asked Sir John Abbott to take over as Prime Minister.
He took over as Prime Minister of India on 1 June 1996 and continued until 11 April 1997.
Palmer, being deputy leader, took over as Prime Minister.