There was no indication that he was likely to take his fanatic beliefs into his professional life.
Taking his beliefs from one state to the next, Hilton tells America that it is time to "stand up and say that they deserve better."
"I take my religious beliefs seriously; they define a part of my life and truest convictions," he said.
Kerrick did not smile at this strange request, for he knew how seriously Sanone and the others took their beliefs.
His friendship with Mr. Peters, which began about a year ago, apparently led him to take his beliefs more seriously.
He could take his shallow beliefs and go to the devil.
They are not whacky, but they do take their beliefs very seriously and follow a strict moral code.
It went on to say "In North Carolina, we continue to be people who take our religious beliefs and practices very seriously.
Unless you take religious texts and people's actual beliefs into account in which case this idea falls apart.
At the end of the book, Mutz leaves for Prague, taking his beliefs with him.