To accomplish this, Davis sent the maid home for a week and took her assistant into a bedroom, where she pointed at the unmade bed.
It was a month later that Siegfried had occasion to take his assistant to task once more.
The plan was to take control of the Dragon, arrest the Ghost, his assistant and the ship's crew.
Burgdorf approved but indicated that they should take his assistant, Weiss.
Dowie wanted to take his assistant with him, but Philliskirk turned down the offer for personal reasons.
Each year she takes her senior assistant to the spring shows so she can see what it's really like.
"That's why I'm taking your medical assistant on the Defiant."
In 1845 he took his assistant of many years, Miles Thompson, into partnership, and then he virtually retired from the practice.
Mitchell took his assistant, George Wilson, into partnership in 1887.