Have the deputy take him in on charges of murdering his wife.
To take one example: the account of the trial of two Suffolk women on charges of witchcraft (pp.
His only course of action would be to take the newspaper to court on charges of libel.
Hermon Husband had bee onto a ship, to be taken to London for trial on charges of treason.
The crew continued to film as they were taken away, on charges of entering the site of an investigation and filming against police instructions.
It took a few more months for a Federal judge to order him released, for time served, on charges relating to one of two escape efforts.
On 6 December 2006, Makarov was taken into custody on charges of abusing his office.
Over more than 10 years, Ms. Warren had her children taken away on charges that she had abused or neglected them.
It took the Millburn police three-and-a-half hours to book Judge Coleman on charges of theft and fraud.