When you began to understand the ramifications of all this, you stopped taking income.
Taxes could be easily figured: Take total income, deduct medical expenses, then multiply by a tax rate.
Even if you don't qualify for pro bono legal assistance, most volunteer law groups provide referrals, many of which take income into consideration.
In contrast, someone who worked additional hours under Mr. Friedman's plan would always take home additional after-tax income.
You said during the campaign very clearly that your staffers would not take outside income.
There was very little we could take as supplementary income.
Increasingly, students take income into account in choosing medical specialties, studies indicate.
Countries are formally defined as "least developed" by criteria that take into account human development indicators and economic vulnerability, as well as income per capita.
Other analyses have found no effect of race, after taking income into account [ 11].
Previous box-office scandals have also involved the selling of complimentary press tickets and taking income from theater-party sales.