It takes place in the same universe as Light.
Even at some distance outside the edge, it would take all the effort in the universe to resist getting pulled into orbit around the hole.
I don't think it would take all the effort in the universe (whatever that means), especially if you hadn't crossed the EH.
The total of energy and matter taken together in the universe as a whdle, cannot change.
Three additional movies were also made that took place in the same universe, but at an earlier period of time.
The story takes place in the same universe as the Dragon Ball series.
When these distortions occur, we take our bearings in the new universe, and decide what you will have to face.
A related game, Portal, was released in 2007 and takes place in the same universe.
This book takes place in the same universe as the Foundation series.
Not all of them take place in the same future universe.