In the 1730s, there were rumors that many nuns took part in khlysty rituals; the mother superior was found guilty and convicted to die.
As December is to Christmas, so October seems to be to Halloween: a fun-filled holiday prelude, a time to take part in colorful, recreational rituals.
They dwelt in the Temples and had sacrifices made to them and took part in meaningless rituals.
The reports hinted that the men had taken part in Satanic rituals and in a pornographic film to be released over the Internet.
The Host from a Catholic Mass would sometimes be taken and used in rituals to gain the desired result.
People believed that they had sexual intercourse with demons, and flew through the air at night to take part in satanic rituals and perverse orgies.
On the other hand, they believed Christians, who were believed to take part in strange rituals and nocturnal rites, cultivated a dangerous and superstitious sect.
Any people seen taking part in religious rituals or services would be executed.
Some families do not allow young children to take part in rituals or ceremonies.
Only so will you fit yourself to take part in secret rituals.