At Smith, she became aware of her talent and interest in understanding cultural difference by taking a course in classical literature.
To graduate, high school students must take courses in history, mathematics, literature, science, electives, and arts.
As a student Wyspiański did not display any specific talent, but took particular interest in art and literature.
Provided with means for acquiring information, the Alexandrians took this new direction in literature.
Influenced by both his mother and aunt, Mitchell took an interest in literature at a young age.
Various people in power encouraged her to take graduate courses in literature and to become a college professor.
At the age of eighteen he began to take a serious interest in literature, writing his first poems and short stories.
This habit made Guarishankar to take deep interest in literature.
This process took slightly longer in unpublished vernacular literature and official records.
The restoration of history is taking place not only in politics but in literature.