His international career ended abruptly when he took part in a tour of Rhodesia, which was then under white minority rule.
This included taking part in a further tour of France.
In 2007, SP took part in a tour called "93 tours".
After the finals, he took part in a tour with the rest of the finalists.
The school took part in an artistic based tour of Italy in the summer of 2007.
It is also safer to go with others and hire a guide or take part in a tour with a reputable company.
Next year she took her show in a tour throughout the Americas.
Lucius, also took part in a very special tour in July 2009.
In doing so he became the only fast bowler to take more than 100 wickets in a tour of England.
Hobbes became a companion to the younger William and they both took part in a grand tour in 1610.