But Mr. Singletary takes his cue from the European tradition, where the device more often signifies the subhuman.
As much later in Agon, this ballet takes its inspiration from the grand tradition of French 17th- and 18th-century music, in particular that of Lully.
Dreyfus's arguments against this position are taken from the phenomenological and hermeneutical tradition (especially the work of Martin Heidegger).
The book takes its title from the tradition surrounding a tree-lined pathway that once bisected Howard's main quadrangle.
Also depicted is the so-called Fountain of Youth, a theme taken from the tradition of French medieval stories.
The name "Yule" coincides with the Wiccan Wheel as the name has been taken by Wicca from the Germanic tradition in the first place.
Translated as "Roman Well", it takes its name from the tradition that Roman copper miners used its waters to wash the copper ores mined nearby.
The costumes are taken from the Greek tradition, said Ms. Koniordou, and indicate no particular period.
"Sing" takes its title from the 40-year tradition of song-and-dance competitions, known as sings, in Brooklyn high schools.
A house called Cromwells Cottage takes its name from the tradition that Oliver Cromwell based his troops here before attacking Grantham.