And every league took them farther from the hills they knew most intimately.
The wall of the city here was very old, built of great unmortared rocks taken from the hills, and beyond it were no suburbs and few farms.
His experiences have been as varied and his work has taken him from the hills of Appalachia to Europe and beyond.
Bohemond nodded without taking his eyes from the glimmering hills.
Only for taking coal from the hills in the south to the power station just over the ridge.
The brewery takes its name from the rolling hills of southern Indiana, with Bloomington being near their northern terminus.
You can bring back what we take from the hills.
It takes its name from the three highly visible hills that are situated to its north.
Ishmael's hand groped for and found the splintery wood of the rail of the sidewalk stair; he did not take his eyes from the hills.
Fyodor nodded, not taking his rapt eyes from the hills.