Magomayev learned to play a piano as a child, and began to take lessons from teachers of voice at the age of 14 .
Also many amateur players acquiered reasonable skills by taking lessons from private teachers, or being taught by their parents, relatives, family.
"They take input from teachers as we go through every phase of the map," she said.
Aphale took his kirtan lessons from his parent and other teachers.
This gave Tognetti the idea to create a company where technology would allow students to take language lessons from teachers located in any part of the world.
She took guitar lessons from him and other teachers from the age of nine.
Raised in America she has taken training in Khatak from various teachers.
"I like taking class from different teachers and all the different styles," Ms. Morgan said.
Its wonderful to take from other teachers.
His playing began improving by taking private lessons from various teachers at a local music store, Styles Music.