Homer was writing about events that took place four or five hundred years before his own time, events already enlarged by the glamor of the past.
Most of the narrative takes place before her time or in her early childhood.
They rape the land, like a male taking a female before her time,?
It's about time something happened around here again-otherwise I'll be taken out of circulation before my time!
Here is a visual tribute to Kevin Dubrow, long time singer of Quiet Riot who was taken before his time.
It is believed that he will not take a life before its time, and that he will protect the little ones.
The exclusion of the lay influence from top to bottom had taken place before Innocent III's time.
One cannot say that he was taken before his time.
Only-" "Then you must realize that even Shiva does not possess the power to take a life before its appointed time to die.
This is mainly a tropical climate and is where the final battle against the Dark Union took place 600 years before Rynn's time.