Every student takes Math and Literature however when in the fifth grade you do not take Latin.
About one third of Italian certificated (18-year-olds) have taken Latin for five years.
Others are persuaded by evidence that high school students who take Latin do far better than average on the verbal SAT.
But do I have to take Latin?
Starting in sixth grade, every boy takes Latin through eighth grade.
Still, Ms. Despres said the desire to get into a top college is the main reason many of her students take Latin.
She insisted that her son be allowed to take Latin, and this step put him securely on the academic track.
He oversaw a change in the curriculum such that each form was divided into two streams, of which one took Latin, the other more vocational subjects.
It was suggested that, among other subjects, I should take Latin.
Bergstresser graduated from Lafayette College, where he took a scientific course and Latin, in 1881.