For the reasons above, virtually all students take GCSEs in English, mathematics and science.
In 2007, 77% of pupils taking GCSEs achieved 5 or more at grade C or above.
She's taking GCSEs this June and hopes to go on to 'A 'levels.
Across the country, 16.5% of pupils who took GCSEs last summer managed to get the English Bacc.
All students take International GCSEs at the end of year 11, and then sit AS levels the following year.
Girls usually take GCSEs in nine subjects.
He does say in the article that he had slightly unusual circumstances (took GCSEs while living abroad etc.).
Education is rudimentary; children leave school at age 16, and although they can take GCSEs a year later, few do.
According to figures, some 622,500 pupils took GCSEs with the board this summer - up by a fifth in five years.
Pupils will take GCSEs in English, maths and science along with a practical subject.