The cleanup involves monitoring the groundwater, hauling away tainted soil and capping the tract by building the warehouses on it, Mr. Barrett said.
The plan includes excavating about 9,000 tons of tainted soil from the river bank and drilling wells to pump PCB-laden groundwater from beneath the factory grounds.
That move paid off this quarter, since the company had to take no charges to pay claims from business policyholders with tainted soil and asbestos problems.
More tainted soil must be removed, a process that should take only a few weeks.
BARRY WEINER is spending nearly $25,000 to search for tainted soil, toxic chemicals and asbestos in and around an industrial building he hopes to buy near New Haven.
These 140 properties contain about 50,000 tons of tainted soil, authorities said.
Meanwhile, state DEP workers last week carted away truckloads of the tainted soil, something that should have been done long ago.
Earnings from the property and casualty unit rebounded to $42 million from a loss of $19 million, largely because of fewer costs from claims from businesses forced to clean up tainted soil and asbestos.
He cites three principal reasons: the numbers of people exposed or likely to be exposed, the volume of tainted soil on the 104 sites and a potential cleanup cost of hundreds of millions of dollars.
Something about the tainted soil of England, and her saying tainted by 368 CLIVE BARKER what?