Laurie takes her rejection badly and some tactless comments regarding her sexual abstinence makes Kathy believe he has deceived her of his true nature.
Laurie takes the rejection badly and some tactless comments regarding her sexual abstinence makes Kathy believe that he has hidden shallows.
Although he sometimes makes tactless comments, he sincerely wants to help Eve.
As well as being a tactless comment, it is an exaggerated and often untrue one.
His ability to charm all comers of all social classes made up for his sometimes blunt or tactless comments.
She's the one whose tactless comments and cruel jokes about matters I don't think are funny have made me insensitive to any sign of love on her part.
Now she remembered; he, at least, spoke the language flawlessly and had interrupted some of his father's more tactless and unsuitable comments.
Shopaur nodded, acknowledging Dekert's rather tactless comment.
During the dinner, he makes the tactless comment to which the title refers:
"A more tactless comment I have seldom heard," Dan said.