That actually proved to be of tactical value, since it gave us an idea of where Ancar was finding all the power he needed.
There were differences of opinion on the German side about the tactical value of burning down partisan villages.
Although not of high tactical value, the flamethrower was a powerful, demoralising weapon that caused terror on the battlefield.
He knew that to whoever controlled it, the tactical value of the device would be staggering.
The islands had no strategic value, unlike Malta, and any tactical value would have been outweighed by the effort to maintain forces there.
It usually bears a direct relationship to the strategic or tactical value of the operation.
Dispersion of this magnitude significantly reduces the tactical value of the equipment.
This would have little tactical value in completing a deal and could well hurt the accounting for the transaction afterward.
"He has tactical value to the resistance."
But computer designers are still divided over GaAs's tactical value in world of digital computers.