When we deal them a tactical military defeat, they come back and counter with something like a diffused intimidation campaign.
However, this goodwill was to be lost with India's tactical defeat in the 1962 war with China.
For this reason it is a mistake to see the tactical defeat of the Christian right as a long-term setback.
The British could afford to risk a tactical defeat if it brought overall strategic victory.
The battle was viewed by Sauron as a tactical defeat as he had committed only a small portion of his forces to the assault.
The trick is to turn that primary tactical "defeat" into a campaign strategic asset.
Nevertheless, his ships inflicted a severe tactical defeat on the French fleet.
At 11:30, with the main action drawing to a close, he began a recovery manoeuvre intended to lessen the tactical defeat his fleet had suffered.
The price of the defeat to the Axis was not just a tactical defeat and retreat.
The war was an Israeli tactical victory and a significant tactical defeat for Hamas.