"We have enough money now for the first time to tackle poverty, inequality and a poor infrastructure," he added.
It aims to tackle poverty and inequality in London and its root causes.
Diversity in children's books has long been a thorny issue, says Book Doctor - and especially when it comes to tackling inequality between girls and boys.
Why we must tackle racial inequality in mental health services 3.
Both Barack Obama and Ed Miliband are starting to stress the importance of tackling inequality.
It tests new ways of tackling discrimination and inequality experienced by those in work and those looking for job.
We need a root and branch change of how society works to tackle inequality.
DfID money should be to tackle poverty and global inequality, not to support Foreign Office diplomacy.
The conclusion that "fairness doesn't happen by chance", and re-elected Labour must be bolder in tackling inequality of wealth, is a common view.
He embarked on a political career, promising to tackle inequality and corruption.