Perhaps imagining the tabloid coverage of such an ignominious demise, Affleck recovered without incident.
Despite significant tabloid coverage, the European Iowa Tour was not sold out.
Given the tabloid coverage of the couple, the public may know too much about Ms. Garner's pregnancy for the show to leave it alone.
The biography included regular biographical coverage of each president's policy, but also more "tabloid" coverage about matters such as relationship trouble and drinking habits.
It's not that the tabloid coverage of the 6-year-old beauty queen's murder has been anything less than scintillating.
It also attracted a convenient storm of tabloid coverage and an unparalleled example of Billy Flynnism.
Taking the tabloid coverage of rape as a single example.
Celebrity has always been part and parcel of tabloid coverage for many years.
Gardner lived so much of her life in this kind of spotlight that the tabloid coverage became part of her story.
Benson herself was subsequently murdered later that year by her ex-fiance, in a high profile case which attracted widespread tabloid coverage.