One daily tablet of Ateronon provides more bioavailable lycopene than a litre of tomato juice or 100g of tomato paste.
While quite incomplete, this tablet provides the same type of information as the Assyrian Synchronistic Chronicle, but from the Babylonian point of view.
Some tablets are fairly large but actually provide a small active area.
Tablets two to nine form the manual of deductive divination, while tablets one, ten and eleven provide rituals to alleviate bad dreams.
Mobile devices and tablets provide accessibility to the Electronic Medical Record during the clinical point of care documentation process.
A cuneiform tablet found in 1957 written in both the Hittite and the Akkadian language provides details of six years of his reign.
Since the tablet provides power to the pen through resonant inductive coupling, no battery or cord is required for the pointing device.
These tablets only protect you from radioactive iodine and will provide no protection from direct radiation exposure or other airborne radioactivity.
The tablets include letters, receipts, ledgers, personnel rosters, etc., and provide year-names and references which hint at events of the period.
A tablet provides an exhortation to Enlil and a brick refers to work on the great socle of the Ekiur of Ninlil in Nippur.