Every table in the room was overflowing with toys and games.
Their tables were overflowing with bananas and cacao and other local produce, as well as things from farther away, such as apples.
The table overflowed with Violet's favorite rubber bugs, creepy-looking aliens and gaudy plastic jewelry.
Almost as impressive is the bathroom, where a dressing table overflows with makeup, mouthwash, Mylanta, perfume, deodorant and even contact lens solution.
Congratulations and good wishes abound there: a large table in the office overflowed with bouquets and greeting cards.
A rectangular table near the refrigerator overflowed with neatly packaged ingredients for more experiments.
The Japanese videotape begins with the words: "Our tables are overflowing with imported foods.
The tables that lined the chamber's central aisle overflowed with Ankharan nobility, and they all looked on the new arrivals as if they were some sort of minor deities.
The single table overflowed with plaster saucers, like children's tops, which Mr. Talpazon made in the bathtub.
The table in front of it overflowed with papers.