This may lead to right ventricular failure (dilatation and decreased systolic function of the right ventricle).
These patients have usually a normal systolic function but symptoms are those of a heart failure.
Carvedilol,a 3rd generation beta blocker, may actually reverse the remodelling process by reducing left ventricular volumes and improving systolic function.
In the later stages, the left ventricle dilates, the wall thins, and the systolic function deteriorates.
This makes it an improved index of systolic function over other hemodynamic parameters like ejection fraction, cardiac output and stroke volume.
Likewise, heart failure may occur in those with dilated left ventricular and normal systolic function.
Chagasic heart disease may represent an optimal academic model of diastolic heart failure that spares systolic function.
Diastolic dysfunction may not manifest itself except in physiologic extremes if systolic function is preserved.
In pediatrics, the shortening fraction is the preferred measure of systolic function.
Patients with diastolic heart failure have a preserved ejection fraction, which is a measure of systolic function.