However, systemic and practical barriers must be overcome and additional research conducted to take full advantage of this opportunity.
These design programs reduce systemic barriers which could otherwise hinder the performance of some students.
"This has been a case of systemic barriers against disadvantaged groups."
A later study, conducted by Amalberti et al.(2005), points to 5 systemic structural barriers to the use of simulators to advance medical training.
The recipient also has demonstrated outstanding accomplishments in eradicating systemic barriers that impede the attainment of academic excellence.
Underserved populations have low levels of access and utilization based on economic, cultural, and systemic barriers to care.
Operating manuals printed only in English is an extreme example of mismanagement but indicative of systemic barriers to information diffusion.
A severe shortage of dentists, especially those serving rural and minority groups, is contributing to the "persistent and systemic" barriers to oral health care, the report noted.
Identify and address potential institutional and systemic barriers that prevent underserved customers from full participation.
After consistently failing to do so in court, the systemic barriers to women's participation in all areas of activity had been lifted by 2001.