And the report may have actually underestimated total overhead because the government agencies that were supposed to be supervising these reconstruction projects sometimes failed to systematically track overhead expenses.
Finally, unlike many other states, there is no office in Texas that systematically tracks the cases of the nearly 500 condemned inmates.
In 2001, Global Integrity, an international project, was launched to systematically track and report on openness, accountability and the rule of law in various countries.
Let's face it American has been talking about the achievement gap for decades, but we weren't systematically tracking it until No Child Left Behind.
That is close to the annual average of 6.5 percent since 1979, when state officials began systematically tracking such data.
This framework is used by Research Analysts to systematically track "Situations of Concern" (SOCs), release regular forecasts and response strategies.
Until the last five years or so, there have been few carefully designed studies that systematically tracked for several years the emotional course of ordinary people who have suffered a grave loss.
Opinion pollsters do not systematically track the views of Americans under 18, but Ms. McCann's skepticism of government-intelligence claims appears to mirror that of a majority of American adults.
It's hard to know how many botched and unnecessary raids there have been, because police don't systematically track their errors, and the victims often have little recourse.