The reason for using isodapanes is to systematically introduce the labor component into Weber's locational theory.
Thus, the program of the New Party introduced systematically into the Greek state the new ideas and principles of British liberalism.
They found that by systematically introducing some errors to the monkey's responses, by stimulating the MT area which is responsible for perceiving the motion in another direction, the monkey responded to somewhere in between the actual motion and the stimulated one.
Teaching manuals for foreigners introduce systematically to this sub-variety, as it would sound very strange for a for a foreigner to speak a marked rural dialect, raising immediately questions on unexpected family links for instance.
Bosanac begins by reviewing the role and value of scripting languages, and then systematically introduces today's best scripting solutions for the Java platform.
Another technique identified at the workshop was the use of aspect-oriented programming tools such as AspectJ to systematically introduce tracing code without directly editing the legacy program.
Those they did not know, they systematically introduced themselves to over breakfasts and lunches and in meetings, often at the company's offices.
Since May 2006 SKM had been systematically introducing new layouts of single and monthly tickets.
He also afforded Mr. Sir Dietrich Brandis, C.I.E., the most efficient assistance in introducing and systematically working conservancy in the forests of Bengal, and with the most satisfactory results.
Among the first to systematically introduce modern logic into China, Jin also founded a new philosophical system combining elements from Western and Chinese philosophical traditions (especially the concept of Tao).