De pictura aimed to describe systematically the figurative arts through "geometry".
Parkinson was the first person to systematically describe 6 individuals with symptoms of the disease that bears his name.
As director of the division of stomatology from 1958 to 1977, he began to identify and systematically describe those illnesses and correlate them with microscopic findings.
The FrameNet project produced the first major computational lexicon that systematically described many predicates and their corresponding roles.
The manuscript is a collection, the first part systematically describing a number of different snakes and the second part describing different treatments for snakebites.
Aristotle's treatise on rhetoric is an attempt to systematically describe civic rhetoric as a human art or skill (techne).
He brought the game to Europe, especially to Germany and Austria, and thus became the first person to systematically describe Go in a Western language.
If the grammar can systematically and accurately describe the adult speaker's linguistic competence, it is called descriptively adequate.
Some argue that he was the first to systematically describe the physical characteristics of habitual drinking and claim that it was a disease.
Facial Action Coding System, a procedure to systematically describe human facial expressions.