It is the only private organization that attempts systematically to investigate every significant armed confrontation in Nicaragua.
"Aside from Satanism, which deliberately and systematically attempts to counter Christianity, occult religions don't waste time debating "sin.
What are the psychological and strategic implications when one of the superpowers systematically attempts to devalue nuclear weapons, as the Kremlin is now doing?
And to improve consumer acceptability, the food industry has through the years systematically attempted to reduce the amount of unpleasant, albeit now known to be healthful, chemicals in plant-based foods.
Increasingly sophisticated, the Nano-robots have recently gained sentience and are systematically attempting to wipe out their creators, humankind.
It was during this period that Europeans attempted systematically to study human behaviour.
Valentinian exegetes attempt systematically to disclose to the initiate the hidden "logos" of Paul's teaching, separating it from the metaphors that serve to conceal it from uninitiated readers.
Although this breadth of learning underlies, informs and enriches Roberts's entire work, he does not systematically attempt direct comparisons and evaluations.
In 1983 France told 47 Soviet diplomats to leave after accusing them of "systematically attempting to obtain scientific, technical and technological information."
The defense promptly appealed one of the dismissals, that of a black man, saying in court papers that the prosecution was "systematically attempting to target African-American jurors for dismissal."