Without calling into question the value of the preceding analyses, the third interpretation, which comes from an Assumptionist systematic theologian, Fr.
Instead, some contemporary systematic theologians seek to use all available resources to ascertain the nature of God and God's relationship to the world, including philosophy, history, culture, etc.
Second, some systematic theologians claim that evangelicalism itself is far too diverse to describe the above approach as "the" evangelical viewpoint.
The only systematic theologian of this time, Scotus Eriugena (d. after 870), was an avowed pantheist.
Macquarrie can be safely categorised as both an existentialist and a systematic theologian.
Calvin was one of the first systematic theologians of the Reformation.
Of all the fourteenth-century opponents of Gregory Palamas, he was the most systematic theologian, and perhaps the ablest.
Do not try to pass yourself off as a systematic theologian without knowing hermeneutics of suspicion, second naivete and anti-foundationalism.
George Pattison (born 1950) is a leading British systematic theologian and Anglican priest.
Sarah Coakley (born 10 September 1951) is an Anglican systematic theologian and philosopher of religion with wide interdisciplinary interests.