As a wealthy landowner Damer also set about the systematic removal of the neighbouring small town of Middleton and its residents.
The systematic removal and murder of a race the League deemed unworthy.
Mr. Reece was studying the systematic removal of mountaintops in places where radical strip mining occurs.
Beginning in 1983, Georgian authorities began the systematic removal of Armenian characteristics from the church.
Specifically they allege that there was a systematic removal of events that portray Joseph Smith in a negative light.
Another aspect that figures prominently in an Envoy's training is the systematic removal of every violence-limiting instinct a human is born with.
He argued that Manne did not respond and that this was an indication of unreliability of the claim that there was policy of systematic removal.
This development remains somewhat controversial with concerns about the systematic removal of the island's historical remains and heritage and the impact on Jerejak's fragile eco-system.
This act called for the systematic removal of barriers and restrictions that hampered trade between European countries.