Researchers note that there remains a "need for systematic investigation in a conventional clinical research setting."
The complexity of food science should not be taken as a reason to abandon systematic investigation of it.
Program evaluation is the systematic investigation of the structure, activities, or outcomes of public health programs.
After a systematic investigation of the site in 2009 most of the victims' remains have yet to be recovered.
Research - systematic investigation into existing or new knowledge.
By the late 1990s, more attention was being paid to systematic investigation of users and how they made use of the new technologies.
If systematic investigation is used as a benchmark, the answer is: Not many.
Alongside that, nuclear energy amounts to 30% of the market but in this case you do not plan any systematic investigation.
He loved his brother, but Travis's ways of getting things done were not compatible with a systematic investigation that would hold up in court.
The organisation conducts systematic investigation of human rights abuses in about 70 countries around the world.