The Skin's AS and medical systems couldn't even stabilize him.
The sound of the generators building up grew to a faint hiss that subsided as the system stabilized.
Before that, however, the huge Government budget deficit must be eliminated and the monetary system stabilized.
Whatever happens, don't let him get up until his system stabilizes.
As the system stabilised, this was gradually reduced to the correct charge.
In classical self-stabilization theory, arbitrary changes are viewed as errors where no guarantees are given until the system has stabilized again.
House gets a page and heads to the hospital where Apple is vomiting from the chemo but her system is stabilizing.
The system stabilized in 1858 and the presidential election marked the ascendence of the Republican Party.
Once the moon's rotation became synchronized with its revolutions round the Earth, the system stabilized.
By 1955 the political system stabilized in what was called the 1955 System.