"These choices are risk assessed to provide the overall stack and system reliability to perform in a wide variety of situations."
Power utilities require system reliability to meet a certain level in order to guarantee security.
The turbines helped ensure system reliability, and conservation programs contributed.
According to a program official, the inability to demonstrate system reliability contributed to a production delay of about 1 year.
When the decision is made to curtail load, it is done so on the basis of system reliability.
This knowledge comes in the form of evidence from data that shows manufacturing processes are in control and system reliability is achievable.
In addition, new steam auxiliary equipment has been installed to improve system reliability.
For example system reliability is often verified by analysis at the system level.
"Decisions regarding the operation of these plants cannot be left to independent entrepreneurs without impairing system reliability," the letter said.
The system reliability is given, if all constraints scatter insight the defined boundaries.