Clearly, systems derived from large organisations are not suitable for their purposes but no one knows what is.
Property law, in systems derived from English common law, is divided into personal and real property.
It's a good system, derived from racing practice, but eschews the industry protocol that a pull on both paddles selects neutral.
He programmed the ship's computer to render a graphic display of the system derived from the data he had collected thus far.
To allow consistency in scoring some programs have adopted another system derived from the 100 point system.
The Church's teaching on these points is part of her doctrinal system, derived from Scripture and tradition.
This was based on a scoring system derived from the Confidential Report forms that were annually completed since promotion to sergeant.
Thus there are two distinct but similar versions of the system derived from the original storyteller system.
This is also the case in some of the systems derived from the Cronquist system.
Jackson was refining his concepts of the sensorimotor functions of the nervous system, derived from clinical experience.