But after 1985, when a synthetic version of the hormone became available, its use spread to children, mostly boys, who are simply short, the study said.
However, the synthetic version was between 1,000 and 10,000 times less lethal than the original virus.
A synthetic version of the drug is available on Dilvermoon.
Epinephrine is a synthetic version of the human hormone adrenaline.
A synthetic version is approved for use in diagnosing pancreatic disorders.
Researchers first had to create a synthetic version that they could work with more easily and reliably.
Most products contain synthetic versions of both estrogen and progesterone.
The synthetic version is primarily marketed as an anti-aging drug.
When supplies run low, there's always the synthetic version, but that tastes a bit, well, synthetic.
Natural thyroid hormone from pigs is also used, especially for people who cannot tolerate the synthetic version.