Natural and synthetic silk is known to manifest piezoelectric properties in proteins, probably due to its molecular structure.
However, the invention of synthetic silk and the fall of the prices of cocoons have led to the decline of sericulture.
In 1886, a synthetic silk called rayon was created in France.
Feathers were in this year, and synthetic silk, leather, and fur, in revival of primitive natural fabrics from the past.
There is a factory of linen (Sverdlovsk) and plants producing synthetic silk (Orenburg, Chaikovsky).
Spider silk (with a discussion of synthetic silk)
Today players may use synthetic racquet strings, aluminium-wound gut, synthetic silk or chromed steel violin strings.
Thus was created the first synthetic silk, described by the chemists as a superpolyester.
Therefore they might produce a synthetic silk that would be practical for everyday use.
The green shirt was a cheap synthetic silk from Escobar, the baggy cream jacket an expensive one of like style.