The three of them got a million bucks out of an oil company that bought up the synthetic gas to get rid of it.
This research underlines an interesting way to produce high quality fuels and lubricants, from synthetic gas.
A product of the bio char process is a synthetic gas that can be used as fuel.
The plant, projected to cost $1.3 billion and create up to 150 jobs, would have converted coal into synthetic natural gas.
The production of ecologically clean synthetic gas is the standard goal.
Gas utilities first supplied synthetic gas, mainly for lighting.
They came close to investing in a cellulosic ethanol company that had designed machinery to turn sugar cane or wood chips into a synthetic gas.
It produces synthetic natural gas from lignite.
The little bouquet of roses on the doorstep became an oversized vessel filled with cloying, synthetic gas.
The radicals crack kerogen molecules forming synthetic gas and oil.