That type had gone out of use about the time she was born, in the 1970s, replaced with prefragmented synthetic crystal.
The new diamond would compete with natural diamonds and some synthetic crystals made by companies like Sumitomo of Japan, Mr. Russell said.
The first material used for lasers was synthetic ruby crystals.
In the 1900s, the Gladstone-Dale relation was applied to glass, synthetic crystals and minerals.
Series resistance of unswept crystals increases after an X-ray dose, and anneals back to a somewhat higher value for a natural quartz (requiring a corresponding gain reserve in the circuit) and back to pre-irradiation value for synthetic crystals.
Most Jedi use naturally-formed crystals, whereas Sith tend to use synthetic crystals which are usually red in colour.
(Note: Data for the space group come from synthetic crystals.)
Sith Lords also use synthetic crystals and make other adjustments to their lightsabers.
It was made of neonin-tempered aluminum, it was roomy and comfortable, with ports of synthetic crystal tougher than steel, and could be hermetically closed.