In type theory, a type rule is an inference rule that describes how a type system assigns a type to a syntactic construction.
Languages may mark perfective aspect with morphology, syntactic construction, lexemes/particles, or other means.
Questions also surround the syntactic construction of the line, as well as the interpretation of the verse within the context of the Sequence.
Preconditions are sometimes tested using assertions within the code itself, and some languages have specific syntactic constructions for doing so.
Latin had a large number of syntactic constructions expressed through infinitives, participles, and similar nominal constructs.
More widespread are differences in syntactic construction, depending on alienability.
In Tagmemic analysis, a syntagmeme is a syntactic construction, viewed as a sequence of the tagmemes of which it consists.
In all his compositions strict attention is paid to the Hebrew text; and a scrupulous adherence to syntactic construction is observed throughout.
Tesnière's model is based on the stemma, a graphical representation of the grammatical dependencies between the words in a syntactic construction.