At the time of his induction, the Hall noted that he "has a name synonymous with excellence.
There are over 70 species in the genus, but more than 300 synonymous names have been applied to them.
He went on to be one of the most famous in his field, his name synonymous with creativity, beauty and quality.
The General had been the emblem of the service, his name synonymous with all that was glorious, right and true.
Sandals is a name synonymous with holidaying in the Caribbean.
Siporax is the name synonymous with this media at present.
Winnebago Industries, of course, is a name synonymous with motor homes.
But it is no secret that the name once synonymous with "import" has fallen on hard times.
Guy Salmon is a name synonymous with fine cars and service for over 50 years.
It is also known by many synonymous names throughout the peninsula.